Monday, February 14, 2011

On this Valentine's Day...

So many things have changed from Valentine Day’s past. Others – not so much.
Yesterday, my husband Scott proudly announced he could take pictures with his IPod and immediately connect to his I Pad via Wi-Fi (believe it or not, those words were in my spell check function, which I had to use).
I spent 18 months living and working in Australia. I left for Sydney in July 1969 and when I returned in 1971, I remembered thinking how quickly things had changed in two years. Women were wearing pants suits (polyester no less) and the word, "biodegradable" was everywhere. The US had forged ahead while time seemed to stand still in the land down under.
If I thought change occurring over two years was fast, look at what's happening today. Technology is changing our lives. I was surprised to learn that children aren't being taught to write using cursive in school, except to write their names. But why should they? They're learning to use a keyboard instead. In an earlier post, I mentioned the two handwritten books of memories I'm filling in for my daughters. The girls will have to read them to their children because they won't be able to read cursive! 
Technology is changing the world. What's being referred to as a "leaderless rebellion" started the end of January with postings using Face book and Twitter. This is the first time in history a secular popular revolt used this type of technology to bring about a successful revolution. Do you suppose this is what the founders of Face book and Twitter envisioned happening? Social Media. Search Engine Optimization. My oh my... my grandsons are in for quite a life!
Speaking of grandsons, some things don't change. I took care of Ben today since my son-in-law had another flare up of pancreatitis and Courtney had to sleep, in preparation for her last night at work until next weekend. Babies still get cranky when they are hungry, wet or tired. And sometimes just walking, rocking and cuddling are the only things that will calm them down. It's true that Ben has a lot more gadgets than I remember having for my daughters, but even Courtney said that there are times when all the flashing toys are just too overwhelming, even for Ben. Quiet time can be the best remedy.
At one point today, we sat together looking out the window. Ben didn't know what it was, but a helium balloon floated into the tree tops across the street. It was black with a big "50" written across it. Someone's party got out of control! But for me, it was calming to hold, rock Ben and watch the balloon unhitch itself from the tree and journey on.
Yes, many things are changing and we too are being wafted along that breeze. Finding moments to be still and enjoy the things that don't change, is important too.

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