Friday, February 11, 2011

It's Not Really a Blessing

I went to Safeway's pharmacy the other day, as I have many times before, to pick up prescriptions for my husband, Scott. Sun, the pharmacist, headed for the shelf where Scott's pills were waiting, even before I got to the counter. "For Scott?" he asked. "Yup, same old stuff," I responded using my version of the prescription names.

Sun tends to be a very serious man who doesn't waste time with small talk. He'll ask if the prescription has been taken before and if not, he'll go over the details of doses and side affects. Given that Scott's medications haven't changed in awhile, I usually just get a hi and goodbye, before and after the amount owed. That's the extent of the conversation. Since there weren't any other customers behind me, I ventured to engage him in an intellectually stimulating dialogue. "How are you doing?" (Is that thought provoking or what? No, but I had to start somewhere).  "It's been very busy for a Sunday," Sun replied. "I haven't been able to catch up."

I was quick to grab onto that opener and astutely responded, "Well, it does make the day go quickly." That's when Sun replied with something I hadn't expected. "It's really not a blessing. Time is so precious," he said without hesitation.

My feeble attempt to engage in conversation had suddenly resulted in something much more meaningful to me. All I could do was agree with Sun. We concluded our transaction and I left the store still pondering what he had said.

I am one of those list making, task oriented individuals who has been challenged to live in the present. My tendency is to think about what I'll be doing tomorrow or next week or next month. Fortunately, I've not experienced many days in my life when I wished they would go by more quickly, just the opposite - too many have flown by.

The good news is that photography is teaching me to be present - to really look at the people, objects, colors, expressions, lighting, emotions - whether I'm taking pictures or not. I'm more aware of the moment. And for the past year, a recurring phrase has been gifted to me that serves as a reminder of my character flaw. Looking without seeing. That has come to me so many times. And last Sunday, Sun gave me a gift too. He reminded me once again that living in the future is not really a blessing. Time is so precious.

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