Thursday, January 27, 2011

Laughter - the Best Medicine

Sometimes laughter really is the best medicine. Yesterday, however, didn't start out as a laughing matter; nothing went as planned. The plan was that son-in-law Ron and daughter Courtney - and grandson Ben, of course - would come over in the morning after picking up my new flooring from Home Depot. Ron was going to work on my new photography studio (Scott and I switched locations in the house) and I was going to take four month photos of Benjamin and visit with Courtney. Didn't happen.

I received a text from Courtney at 8 am that Ron was having extreme stomach pain and she'd taken him to Tacoma General ER. The docs later diagnosed him with pancreatitis This came as somewhat of a surprise since the same thing had happened last August and he'd had his gall bladder removed.

Ron was given pain medication - after intense interrogation to assure he wasn't a drug seeker. They tried to do an ultrasound, but due to an anxiety attack, it was cut short and a response team was called in. Ron was calmed and with more medication for pain, he eventually had the ultrasound - which didn't help the diagnosis. I drove to Tacoma to get Ben and give Courtney some time to do whatever she needed for herself and Ron. Ben had thoroughly enjoyed himself at the hospital  to the delight of the medical professionals and his dad, who was happily high most of the time. When I called later to see how things were going, Courtney relayed to me that Ron was thanking me for the ribbon. It was the morphine talking, but wasn't that sweet of him to think of me in his drug induced stupor! I have no idea what ribbon Ron was thanking me for.

Once home, Ben took a nap on my bed and so did our cat, Calvin, right in the chair of Ben's swing. He claimed the spot and when I later tried to reclaim it for Ben, it took a poke from Scott to move him out. He'd found a new comfy place and wasn't about to give it up!

Courtney went home while Ron was transferred by ambulance to Allenmore Hospital, since there were no beds at TG. She picked up some things for Ron and then came over for dinner. Before leaving with Ben to see Ron, Courtney got Ben to giggle by threatening him with the "tickle bug". He responded with high pitched squeals and animated giggles. We all laughed and lightened the load of the day. 

Ron still hasn't been diagnosed, but his pain is better and he's been able to eat a little and keep it down. He may be coming home tomorrow or Saturday, but will need follow-up visits to figure out what's going on. In the meantime, you know he'll be looking to Ben to provide lots of the best kind of medicine - love and laughter. 

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