Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hats, Toys & Tub

Last Sunday was picture taking time again with the Maloney twins, Matthew and Nathan. I started taking their photos when they were two months old and our agreement calls for pictures once a month for one year. My services were a shower gift from Ted's Kiwanis Club to the family. According to Kiwanis Club lore, since these babies were conceived at a Kiwanis convention, they are official Kiwanis kids. It is amazing to see their development from month to month. They are now nine months old. How did that happen!

For this particular shoot, one set of pictures was a must. A friend of the family, Gwen Gyldenege, is a computer wizzard, has a fulltime job, a consulting business, and still finds time for the creative arts. She had woven beautiful yarn and knitted caps for the twins. We had to get a picture of the caps. My grandsons now have their own, thanks to the Maloneys. More about Gwen

The hat pics were a must, but then what? Since containment of the boys was important, we used one (they have two of everything) of the play-seat-thingy with wheels for a prop.  (I can't remember the name of all the kid necessities). And, since Carla had inspired me with the bath tub idea, I brought along a galvanized tub I'd purchased at Home Depot. Every child photog has to have one. (My problem now is where to put all the props I'm accumulating. The tub is currently resting behind me on my office sofa).

Last, but not least were the bath tub shots. Carla was willing to fill the tub with water, but we opted for her mixing up bubble bath suds to apply to the boys - a faux bath. Fortunately, neither brother whacked the other with the bath brush. We were also grateful Nathan didn't fall over as he stood up to reach outside the tub. Those duckies were just too tempting.

Both boys ended the shoot, happily chewing on their rubber duckies. Another wonderful twin photo shoot adventure. Thanks Maloneys! To see all of the January twin photos, click on

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