Sunday, May 15, 2011

Joint Injection

Living with Scott, my husband, has never been dull and that's putting it mildly. Every day there is reason for both of us to grin, if not always at the same time.

In a previous post, I mentioned our interesting commute to Seattle for one of his doctor appointments. Last week we ventured again so Scott could get a shot to ease pain in one of his hips, but prior to leaving, he couldn't find a shoe. I found that really interesting. The shoe is usually found on the foot of his prosthetic leg. When he takes one off, the other is normally attached. One would think that if the shoe was missing, the leg would be too!! But no, the prosthetic was where it was supposed to be - attached to his body. Please keep in mind that Scott is very creative and is often occupied with thoughts of rearranging his recording studio, researching the next incredible electronic gadget he can't live without, or developing the curriculum for his next voice-over student. Some might call him the "absent minded professor". I just call him "Honey Haverly". I did finally find the shoe in the downstairs bathroom, after he'd changed shoes to ones with a left and right that actually matched. It probably would have been more fun, had he gone with two that didn't.

Scott loves to talk to strangers. He's particularly chatty in elevators assuring everyone that he's only run over two or three other people with his electric scooter, so they need not be concerned. There are smiles and feigned sighs of relief from those who are encapsulated with us. One of his favorite tricks is to drive his scooter into the elevator and remain facing everyone there. Instant audience. He couldn't be happier.

While Scott drove back from the appointment, I read the list he'd received of "What to Expect After Your Injection". Here's some of the information and Scott's responses.
     1. Take it easy tonight. Don't overdo activities and gradually get back into your routine.
         Scott took that as a strong indication he should take as many naps as possible. (This is a man who lives for naps anyway!)
     2. You might have a slight facial or upper body flushing for a couple days.
         He thought this was a very good thing, since he hasn't been getting much sun lately and feels he's looking like a zombie.
     3. You may shower, but we recommend not soaking in a tub for 24 hours.
          Scott's response: "Why would anyone want to soak in a tub for 24 hours anyway?!"

Okay, maybe you had to be there, but that last one almost had me rolling on the floor. (I couldn't because I was seat-belted in).

Once back in Puyallup, we went through the drive-thru at Burger King. (I know - not the healthiest, but we were starving by then and it was supposed to be quick). We ordered and pulled up to the window to pay. Scott treated me by paying (What a guy!) and then he drove on - without the food! I stopped him in time and he was able to back up to the window. I asked him what that was all about. His response, "The fast food wasn't fast enough."

Just another day of adventure with my Honey Haverly.

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