Saturday, April 16, 2011

No Name Band

Randy, Paul & Rod
Two of the boys in the band dropped by today. They certainly aren't boys, but that rolls off the tongue better than "men in the band," don't you think? Paul and Randy are two-thirds of a musical group my husband, Scott, has been recording. Paul Wilkinson is the singer, song writer, lead guitarist; Randy Burd - bass guitarist and Rod Rothin (missing person today), the drummer.

Paul had asked if I would take pictures of the group. I jumped at the chance to do something a bit different. I suggested they pick a location for the photos that would help tell their story, describe their music and/or create interest. I'd also been asking for the name of the group. I had no luck getting a name out of them since they're in the throws of re-identification or finding themselves... or something - as a group. But, I was quite surprised by the location pick - Good Samaritan Hospital in Puyallup!

Paul is a new grandpa (that definitely takes him out of the "boy" category), who had recently spent time in the Good Sam birthing center waiting for his oldest daughter to give birth to his grandson. Maybe the location inspired the birth of a few new songs while he waited - something like, It Will Be Alright, a song Paul wrote some time ago.

Paul was also intrigued by the staircases and walkways, so that was the place for photos on a typical windy, rainy, Washington day. Had we thrown a white coat on Rod, he would have fit right in with the hospital staff. On the other hand, when we got to the roof-top parking area and saw the "Rehabilitaion Center" sign, we all agreed - Paul and Randy had found their home away from home. (I jokingly named their photo album "Rehab").

Today, I had a chance to ask more questions of Paul and Randy about their backgrounds, music and where they go from here. (My daughters refer to this as mom's 20 questions, even if they are sometimes inappropriate - "So just how do you make a living?). I found out these two men are really well-grounded guys with a passion for their music, definite goals in life and a plan to move to California this year where they'll have more musical opportunities.

Paul has been singing since he was four years old. He can pull a melody line as soon as someone starts playing a song. It's only recently he picked up a guitar. He has one interest in life and that's his music. Along life's journey, however, he picked up two Bachelor of Arts degrees, one in social work and the other - Native American Child Welfare. But his love in life is being a full-time single dad to three daughters still living at home, two of them twins - and they're teenagers!

Randy is a man who has changed his life from one on a downward spiral to one with a purpose. He is a self taught musician who has been playing with Paul for the last four years. Paul credits him with extreme patience in the creative process of song writing. They are now collaborating, made easier by the fact that they are also roommates, along with Rod.

When I saw Randy today, my first words were - we'll have to take the pictures all over again! He had cut off his beautiful long hair and donated it to Locks of Love. He'd also shaved his goatee and looked like he'd lost weight. Guess it was the missing hair. It's part of his Randy re-engineering program.

Although I didn't get a chance to quiz Rod, Paul credits him with being the critic in the group. He's not afraid to tell Paul, even after days and months of creative effort, that a song isn't good enough. Paul even named one of his songs, Rod's A to F. Rod had told Paul the only part worth keeping, in one particular song, were the first two notes!

Paul and Randy will be moving to Quincy, California this year. They have jobs lined up and their musical goal is to work with other musicians there to produce a record. Paul has written over 30 songs as a start. What's the sound? Paul describes it as Left Coast Country. No, that isn't a typo. Rock power ballads with a country edge; independent folk music. If you want to hear them, they do have gigs lined up in May in Portland, Oregon;Yerington, Nevada; and Quincy, California. They'll be in Seattle in June and Leavonworth in July. If you want more detail, let me know. You can see more photos of the Rehab Band at

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