Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Portland, Oregon - Road Trip

Last Thursday I was able to hit the road with two good friends, Ardith and Janet. We go back a very long time to when we were all part of the Puyallup chapter of the American Business Women's Association. These are two amazing women. Janet is still working for a local school district managing capital improvement projects and just about anything else that needs managing. This is one in-charge woman! She also serves and has served on a number of boards.

Ardith retired a couple years ago from Washington State University's Research and Extension Center in Puyallup. During her many careers she has worked in private business, been a model, worked in law enforcement and devoted countless hours helping the victims of domestic violence. Her volunteerism won her the Governor's recognition.

The best part of the road trip was just catching up. Janet used her cell phone on the way to Portland to call some old friends we all had in common. We took a side trip in Vancouver. We actually took side trips to the side trip because we got lost a couple times, but finally found Ardith's parents resting place, so she could place flowers on their graves.

We stayed at the Paramount in downtown Portland, just off of Broadway, and enjoyed lunch the first day at South Park, just across the street. Absolutely delicious fare and great people-watching from the window booth. Then it was off to window shop starting with the designer floor in Nordstrom. Ardith found a lovely bolero bedazzled sweater for only $1900. Found is the operative word here. 

Late afternoon found us at the top of the Nine's Hotel (also downtown) basking in the sun, enjoying the clouds and each other's company. Dinner was quite the experience at Genoa's across the river. We experienced a five course meal which took about two and a half hours. We had to assure time to talk between bites and work up more of an appetite between courses.

Janet's husband had jokingly insisted we have her in the hotel room before dark. We didn't make it (sorry, Don), but at our ages, we were ready to hit the sack once we got back from dinner. Again, these women are amazing. Their heads hit the pillow and they were out. Not me. I had to process the whole day a few times before I saw the back of my eyelids.

Had I known these two are early risers (Ardith usually gets up at 4 am and Janet has to be at work by 7 am), I might have reconsidered the trip! We were up and out of the room bright and early, heading for one last round of eating and shopping. We headed for the Heathman Hotel on Broadway to enjoy their breakfast. It was wonderful and we had another window seat. The hotel has a gorgeous lounge with chandelier and fireplace, above which is a library and  meeting rooms. We explored and I found out my new phone takes great pictures!

On the way back to Nordstrom (again), we stopped at a haberdashery that sold men's and women's hats. Shades of Britain's Kate! I tried to convince Ardith she really needed a beautiful wide-brimmed hat for Easter, but to no avail. Being the practical person that I am, I did buy a waterproof jacket at the Columbia Sportswear Company store just down the street. Tax-free. That's why you go to Oregon, isn't it? Now I have no excuse not to walk my dog, but I'm sure I'll find one.

We concluded the morning by eating - of course - and then headed for home. Janet must have had something extra in her lunch because she was in rare form in the back seat. We laughed ourselves silly.

It was a great trip with good friends creating truly keepsake memories.

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