Thursday, March 24, 2011

Equal Time for Micah!

Time for more blogging about grandson Micah, who will be three months old on the 29th of March. Before he was born, I decided to call him M&M, his first and last initials. It still sounds right. He's sweet and melts your heart. And how he has changed since he was born! Long and lean at first has been taken over by longer and fully packed. Kendall now has the same challenge of cleaning under Micha's chin that Courtney had from the beginning with Ben.

Kendall had a doctor's appointment yesterday, so I was on Nana duty for about three hours. How different the boys are! Granted, Micah is three months younger, but soooo laid back. Eats. Sleeps. Smiles. Sleeps. That was it. I did spend time helping him practice grabbing things. He needs to learn that move early to help keep his mom and dad on their toes. And I read to him. Needless to say, he wasn't very impressed by my diction or phrasing - even though it was part of my Bible study.

Kendall is a stay-at-home mom these days. She's on leave from Kallas Junior High School in Puyallup where she's been teaching science. She'll go back to work in September on a part-time basis and has asked that I take care of Micah once a month. Is that all! I volunteered to fill in at other times too. Between her dad's family, John being off every other Friday, day care and her part-time schedule, the baby sitting needs are few. I'll just have to make my Nana-time needs more apparent. This child can't grow up without my influence and Scott's - for what it's worth. We're the kind of folks who can teach balance in life - not necessarily by example.

You really need to read Kendall's latest blog post, The Reality Is... She captures the reality of being a new stay-at-home mom. As much as she loves Micah, this post might encourage birth control!

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