Friday, November 12, 2010

Women in Transition (WIT)

This year I reconnected with Mary Beth, a friend I hadn't seen for years. We caught up at a Master Gardener plant sale in Puyallup and I introduced her to my good friends, Janine and Susan, who are also Master Gardener Interns, like me. We discussed our transitions and from that conversation, the idea of WIT was born.

The WITee women meet monthly for breakfast at Charlie's in Puyallup to discuss what's happening in our lives and to support one another in whatever our latest venture might be. We're a diverse group, but have really clicked. Ardith is recently retired and encouraging her husband to do the same so they can travel. Luella is already doing some traveling. Susan, a commercial interior designer, is looking for a new passion. Janine is working on a new career in wedding floral design and small business office management. Kim, who wasn't at this breakfast, is also looking for a new career opportunity. There I am, the one who managed to get the camera to take the picture without someone holding it or a tripod! That was good for a laugh or two.

Last , but not least is Mary Beth, who will soon be off on an incredible journey in her new/old RV. She's heading south and turning left to Florida for a few months - all by herself. As she put it, "From Seattle to Tampa, following the sun." She has established her plate route, starting with an early Thanksgiving dinner in Oregon. We'll all be following her on her new blog, Mary Beth's Road Trip.

Is there a time when women aren't in transition? Nonetheless, this  common thread has given me the opportunity to make new friends and spend a couple of wonderful hours with them every month.

There will be a couple of empty seats at the table in the next few months. Want to join us?

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