It's been awhile since my daughters and I have had time for just us. But today was the day! Since they now have the boys to consider, it wasn't as easy logistically as it used to be. Before the three of us could pile into one car and gab to and from the eatery - usually Applebees. Today, we opted to take two cars with a car seat in each one. (The car seats aren't that easy to move from one vehicle to another.)
After spending time at the house visiting with Scott and meeting the boys' needs (Micha does love his avacado!), we were off to Applebees. We bored the boys to sleep with all our chatter and since the restaurant wasn't too busy, we spent a leisurely three hours visiting, sharing, gossiping and just enjoying one another's company. Oh yes, we did eat!
And then, it was off to Ahead of Times for Ben's first haircut! His silky halo had gotten a little out of control for Courtney's liking. Joanie, the stylist, entertained and skillfully snipped away the excess. Ben was a bit awe struck by the whole process and while Courtney was just hoping he'd come out of the place with both ears intact, he actually got a very nice haircut too.
When it was over, I'm not sure whether the tears were because he was missing hair, or just a general cry for attention. Micah, on the other hand, seemed pretty un-impressed by the whole event. His turn is coming!
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