Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Big Island and the Tsunami

The day after I posted my Big Island Sites, the 8.9 earthquake occurred off the northeast coast of Japan creating a devastating tsunami. We continue to read and hear about the devastation and the estimates of people killed. Japanese officials refuse to speculate on the number, but have said it would be a miracle if it turns out to be less than 10,000.

I called both my neice and nephew's homes on the island of Hawaii to make sure they were okay. They were. Nanette's husband, John, was waiting to hear from his employer whether or not to come in to work. Both families live miles up the slopes of the island, but said the tsunami warning sirens had been going off all night. The lower elevations were evacuated and those on higher ground warned not to go to the beaches. 

City of Refuge Before
Later in the day, Rebecca, my nephew's wife, sent pictures.

The after pictures are of the area in Kona where we had gone shopping, had lunch and where I had enjoyed taken pictures of Hawaii's first church.

Here are some of my vacation shots and photos of the area on the 11th of March. 
Kona Pier Before

Kona Beachfront Before
We need to continue to pray for those in Japan who are suffering and for the country as a whole as it trys to cope with the loss and destruction. BonnieKingPhotography.com

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