Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wonder Woman

I've become much more aware in the last four months of mothers out and about with young children. Having grandchildren will do that, you know. This awareness has been heightened by the fact that from the time I gave birth to my own daughters, Courtney and Kendall, there has been quite a span between babies!

My older sister, Lore, and older brother Ray (aka Corky) had grown children by the time I got around to having my own. My younger brother, Jimmy, lived in eastern Washington and I rarely got a chance to see him, let alone get acquainted with his daughter, Brandy. (In fact, he's been so distant - I'm in the process of trying to find him, but that's another story...).

Now back to mother, children sightings. I was in Costco yesterday morning picking up Dave's Killer Bread. (It is to die for; you can get two loaves at Costco for practically the price of one at any other grocery store). And, as usual, lots of other stuff found the way into my basket, but I digress...
Wheeling down the vitamin aisle, aiming for the back wall of bread, I saw the most amazing site. Heading toward me was Wonder Woman, not in tights and a cape, but pushing a grocery cart that resembled the one man band at the Puyallup Fair. Remember him? All the instruments attached to his body and pushing a cart with even more musical paraphernalia attached. Wonder Woman had a cart piled so high... How high was it? ...it looked like the furniture-carrying IKEA Volkswagen Beetle!

Okay - enough analogies. You get the picture. But, to top it all off, she somehow attached three children to the cart. I kid you not. A couple were clinging to the sides, neatly - not aisle obstructionists, and another was somehow hooked onto the handle in front of her. She had to have been leaving. There was absolutely no more room for groceries or children. Then again... for a Wonder Woman, anything is possible.

Here are a few pictures of wonder moms and grandmothers, whose faces have graced my lens in the last year. BonnieKingPhotography.com

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