Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Reason

I started this blog to provide my new grandsons with information about their Nana B. The reason? I started hand writing in books I bought for my daughters about 20 years ago called To My Daughter with Love. There are two books, one for Courtney and Kendall. About once a year I get them out and fill in more of the information. It's a labor of love, particularly since my handwriting isn't what it used to be and I'm hoping that someday, they'll actually be able to read them!

The one thing I've learned, writing in the books, is how little I really knew about my own mother. She was born in 1913, lived through the depression, was married twice and when married to my dad, they both worked in the shipyards in Portland, Oregon during the World War II. She was "Rosie, the Riveter" and I'm very proud to call her that. She was always a hard worker, homemaker and steadfast wife. I attended 13 grade schools because dad worked in construction and trucking and we moved a lot. She had her packing boxes organized and ready to go. (I've passed on the organizational gene to my daughters. They can really thank Loretta Julia Skates Bateman for that one). What I didn't learn about my mother was how she really felt, what her favorite things were, her own needs, wants and desires. She didn't talk about it and I made the mistake of not asking. She passed away in 1992; my dad followed her in 1997. Unfortunately, I'm leaving a lot of blanks in the book when it comes to the in-depth questions about about my mom - or I'm guessing.

My story is a bit different and my daughters probably know more about me than they care to. They've lived through four of my five marriages. Who would have thought that would be part of my life story. Not me! What I find so incredible at this time in my life is how blessed I am, now and in the past. While not all of my life experiences were wonderful in that moment, they propelled me forward to where I am now. I have a wonderful, funny, sometimes frustrating husband, who loves me dearly. I have two lovely daughters, happy in their marriages to strong, thoughtful, ethical, Christian men. I have two beautiful grandsons, Benjamin and Micah, who are simply a joy. While I don't see as much of Scott's children, Devon, Steve and Summer or their children, I'm blessed to have them part of the family. And I love my new found passion - taking photographs, capturing special moments.

Hopefully Benjamin and Micah will someday read these posts and learn a little bit more about their Nana B, who loves them very much.

To see Micah's two week old photos and some of Benjamin's four month old shots (with more to come next week), click on

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