September was a joyous month with the birth of grandson, Benjamin. Sunday, October 3, 2010 was the saddest day in our family history. Scott's oldest daughter, Krista Kai Haverly Moody, passed away due to complications of childbirth. Her daughter, Ariana, was removed from life support three days later. We were all in shock and pain asking, How could this have happened to a 45 year old woman in excellent health? Krista had been a dancer all her life. She exercised, ate right and valued a healthy life style. Her pregnancy was not a concern to her doctors in Visalia, CA. They were more worried about younger patients than they were about her.
Krista had made a name for herself in commercial real estate and leasing. She was the vice president for a large firm in Seattle and had clients across the country. Her most valued role, aside from being a loving wife to Brian, was that of mother to 14 year old son, Brenevan.
Doctors told Brian the cause of Krista's death was amniotic fluid embolism, a rare occurrence, but in most cases fatal for the mother and life threatening for the child. To read more about AFE, go to
Krista is with us all in spirit and we are better people for having known her.
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