Thursday, March 8, 2012

What's Your Predilection?

I had another wonderful day at the Metro Animal Services shelter in Puyallup on Wednesday. The sun was shining which meant we could take the dogs outside to give them some fresh air and it also gave me a better background. I am amazed at the beautiful cats and dogs who find themselves at the shelter. A couple of them, whose pictures I took, were adopted the same day. Great news!
While I was there a tall, stately, casually but well-dressed gentleman came in with a kitten. I heard him quizzing the person at the front counter about the process of adoption. He wanted assurance the kitten didn't go to just anyone. He was told that prospective families are screened to make sure the pet they adopt is right for them and they are right for the animal. The phrase painted on the wall reads, Finding Pets their Forever Families. This man was truly a gentle giant.

On my way home, I stopped at Top Foods to pick up lots of vegetables and healthy food recommended by my Body Back class. This is a twice a week exercise class which emphasizes not only workouts, but nutritious meals. Courtney, Kendall and I started the program this week.

Wheeling my cart around the fruits and vegetables, I spied the man I had just seen with the kitten, so I rolled up to him and said, "Hi! Weren't you just at the shelter?" He looked at me quizzically and responded, "Do I look like I was in a the shelter?" I was slightly embarrassed needless to say when I realized this was not the same man. "Oh, I meant animal shelter." And then I continued to stumble all over myself trying to explain what I'd meant. He smiled and walked on  and I'm sure he was thinking I belonged on a funny farm.

It still proves my predilection (how do you like that word?!) for speaking or acting or doing just about anything without giving it a great deal of thought. Does keep life interesting. What's you predilection?

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