Friday, April 22, 2011

Back Seat Driving from the Front Seat

My husband, Scott, and I love each other, but one might question the relationship, if you'd heard our conversation on the way to and from Seattle today.

Scott sees a number of "ologists" in Seattle. Fortunately, the visits have become less frequent. A couple of them are on the Cherry Hill campus of Swedish Hospital , one at the Poly Clinic on Broadway, and my personal favorite, who looks just like Clark Gable, is located off Boren.

I'm usually the navigator as Scott drives, but this morning I was trying to catch up on reading as we drove, so my attention to the exits was somewhat last minute. "Oh, you needed to get over in the far right lane!" I directed at the last moment from the inside lane. Scott was able to get over. "You know what - that's the exit we take to Swedish and the exit we need today is farther ahead. You can get back in the left lane now."

Luckily - that time - I only heard grumbles from the driver's seat as we drove farther north. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of driving I-5 in downtown Seattle, traffic can be challenging. Changing lanes can also be life changing, if you aren't careful.

We exited the freeway and because all the streets at the exit are one way, I was very helpful in explaining to Scott he had to turn right and then turn right and then turn right again and, by the way, turn left at the next corner. Once at the building I remembered we might be able to get our parking validated, if we parked across the street from the building instead of under it. We did. Scott had his tests, we ate lunch, and then saw "Dr. Gable". Not only is he good looking, he's brilliant and he saved Scott's life in 2009. Today, Scott also received a very good bill of health, except for needing a hip replacement. We see another ologist next week about that.

I asked to have the parking ticket validated as we left, only to find out we'd parked in the wrong lot! The receptionist suggested I use my negotiation skills to get out of paying. Very difficult to do when there is no attendant - only a machine that was happy to lick $14 out of our debit card.

We stopped in Tukwila on the way back to get gas. I was reading and forgot to mention, after we filled up, that we should have turned right to get back on the freeway instead of left. Oh well, we just needed to drive a couple miles farther south to a freeway entrance. So when Scott took a different freeway entrance heading west, I couldn't help but ask, "How many times have we taken this trip? Where are you going?" (This not so instant replay suggests I could have used more diplomacy. Ya think!!)

"Bonnie King (I know I've hit a nerve when I hear that), I know where I'm going!" was the reply. We did get back on I-5 south, but when we got to where I thought we should turn off and I mentioned it (again too late), Scott was not happy. That's an understatement. So I vowed to remain silent the rest of the trip - and told him so, along with other thoughts about the trip.

In spite of all that, we did make it back to Puyallup with Scott planning to go buy something at Home Depot. His first step, however, was to drop me off at the house. I wonder why... Instead we made amends and took naps. Amazing what a little shut eye can do to erase the inconsequential stuff of life. Besides, we'll have an opportunity to do this all over again next week!

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