Last week, as I sat with her during her three-hour procedure, she told me about a news program which highlighted research being done at the University of Alberta, Canada, on a non-invasive cure for cancer. Since we had the time, I looked up what I could about the research on my iPhone. I found clinical trials are underway using dichloroacetate (DCA) which, according to the research findings, "causes regression in several cancers, including lung, breast, and brain tumors."
In a previous post, recalling our arrival home from Hawaii in February to a blizzard, I referred to my sister as "fearless." There have been times in the past few months, since her diagnosis, that she has exhibited fear, but with the discovery of news about a promising cure for cancer, her determination and resolve were sparked once again. In fact, she got just plain mad! She wants to know why more people aren't aware of this research. So after a sleepless night pondering what she could do about it, she wrote the following letter which I promised her I would share with others. She's sending it to friends, neighbors, politicians, and the University of Alberta. You can find more information about DCA by going to the official University of Alberta website
(Lore's letter)
Cancer Cure Found
September 6th, 2011
What a wonderful headline!! Why aren’t we seeing it? The recent discovery at the University of Alberta in Canada was funded by private donations. I’m not a scientist, so I won’t try to go into details about it. You can look those up. But I do know that it is a different way to treat cancer. It has been used successfully on human cancer patients. When given the new drug, it goes in and finds the cancer and kills it, leaving the good cells around the cancer unharmed. The patient may feel like they have a case of the flu for a day or two.
My doctors tell me the mastectomy I had, the months of chemotherapy I am going through, and the weeks of radiation I will have to have, won’t kill my cancer. They hope it will go into remission. If it goes into remission, it could come back at any time.But this letter is not about me. It’s about all of the people in the world that die of cancer every year and the soaring cost of heath care. The drug companies want nothing to do with this discovery. They can’t claim they made this discovery and they can't patent it. They could loose research funding and if they manufactured and distributed it, they would make a fraction of what they make selling cancer drugs today. Oh, did I say it would be a lot cheaper? Can you imagine no cancer drives? Ha!
If the greedy drug companies and maybe even greedy hospitals (they make a lot of money by treating cancer patients), causes this great discovery to be swept under the rug and not used worldwide, it would be the same as mass murder!!
The cure is here and now! Please do what you can do to advance this wonderful break through. Thank you.
LaReta Curtis
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